Saturday, April 13, 2024

Cause and effect

If determinism is  true, the cause has to guarantee the effect. We often use the word "cause" to refer to things that influence,

but do not guarantee the effect, If determinism is true there are causes going back before you were born

that guarantee what you do now.

Anscombe Essay on causality and determination.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Fallacy of composition?

 1. Every molecule of the planet Saturn occupies space.

2. Therefore , Saturn occupies space.
Fallacy of composition?

Thursday, January 04, 2024

Burdens of proof

 Is there a burden of proof concerning the existence of burdens of proof?

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Melnyk on naturalism

 Here's a quote by materialist Andrew Melnyk. 

“Naturalism claims that nothing has a fundamentally purposeful explanation…Naturalism says that whenever an occurrence has a purposeful explanation, it has that explanation in virtue of certain nonpurposeful (e.g. merely causal) facts.”

Do you concur with this statement, or not? Do you think a materialist can, or should, reject this?